Brenton Tyler Hoffmann has been featured in Celebrity media publications such as
The Examiner, eZWay, Actors Reporter, LA Talk Radio, Star Pulse, WIRE/Getty Images
& AP The Associated Press.

Coaching Clients & himself have been featured on ABC, CBS USA NBC, FOX & The CW.

He has Built strong relationships & connections with all kinds of Famous Celebrities & has been Featured in JT Foxx The World's #1 Wealth Coach's new Amazon Best Selling book Success Stories "Results Don't Lie"

Been Inducted into the eZWay Wall Of Fame With Celebrities such as Christopher Loyd from Back to the Future, Bill Duke, Plus many more including Social media Influencers & Business Tycoons.

Winner of The 2019 Resilience Soldier of The Year Award, for his relentless Resilience to keep going & continue to live his dreams even when death tried to intervene.

Featured on the cover Influential people magazine, Success Profiles and featured in Magic Image Hollywood. recognized as one of the top influential Resilence Experts in the world amongst many influential alumni such as digital media mogul Eric Zuley as well as Frank Shankwitz of the Make a Wish Foundation plus so many more.

Media & Awards image