The Christ Conciousness Connection

Christ Consciousness Connection⚜️ Dear Child of God

You have been searching for this… a long long time.
You are the 1% of the 1%.

It’s not a chance you are reading this.
But you already knew that too.

All the sleepless nights, the purging, the clearing of all those densities & false programs in your field… Have given fruit.

All the times you thought you were going crazy. The unplugging from the matrix. The distortions of the world. Are all coming together.

All the low masculine & low feminine energies you transmuted… that were blocking the money, the sex, the relationships and health of your dreams… Have not been overlooked.

But Now?
You are ready for the Final Level.
The Real Game.
Beyond your wildest dreams.

Yep. You know you are done healing.

You are finally out of the false light and have RE-awoken To Christ & The Truth of The Bible… moreover, you are mature enough now… to have righteously judged (without demonizing) all the magick, spirit and energetics you’ve learned along the way, that were in fact of God.
While ALSO Discerning… many things that were in fact witchcraft, deception and illusion.

I get it. It was hard losing friends and family & going through The dark night of the soul. But this… woke you up to spiritual warfare too. And God guided you to make all those astral tools, healing techniques and practices…IRRELEVANT.

You did grid work, reiki, and advanced field work.
Even Quantum healing. Akashic Records. Plant medicine.
You activated your multidimensional gift and have successfully taught others. You can even reach Alpha state, meditate often and have even learned to Become VOID.

Yep. You’ve done it all and tried it all. 🥱

And finally… you are beyond polarity and the dual mind. While also judging rightly. Good stuff!

Thank you for not giving up.
Even when the journey got tough and confusing.
Great job!

But Now? you want MORE.
The NEXT Level.
& You KNOW it’s here.

it’s time… For The FINAL LEVEL.

It’s time… to literally FLY.

The LAST Frame you’ll need… to finally claim the fullness of your destiny, become a pioneer in future spiritual technology & create limitless abundance… in ALL areas of your life… consistently and sustainably… and while flowing with Indescribable Peace & Joy.

Following your Clean Turn On
and submitting to God’s Brilliant Frames.

Yes. Your mission, your purpose, your calling, your superpowers, your business. Your relationships. Your health.
Everything…coming together… all here and now.

Remember? Ever since you had that one encounter with God years ago after that tragedy… or that other recent activation… something NEW woke up in you… An insatiable desire for truth, magick and supernatural things… to a whole new level. Am I right?

An unstoppable Longing to finally Access the fullness of your potential.
And see what you are REALLY capable of… way BEYOND the physical wealth and success you've manifested. Way beyond 5D-13D.
Way beyond what YOU can see.

That’s right. This Original CODE that is burning deep inside your spirit.
It’s ready to come into His Marvelous Light & work with the living essence of God.

In fact… Remember all those more recent times you procrastinated, felt overwhelmed, doubted, or felt insecure about your business, price, message, relationships & overall life direction?

It was THIS. All along.
This Monster Genius, waiting to be set FREE.
Choked by the last human chords & time/space distortions in your field.

Now It’s time to die (again).
One final death.
One final descent.

What got you here, won’t get you to the next level.

Welcome Initiate… to The Mind of Christ.

Ready to play… The FINAL Level?

Inside The Arena of the gods?

Look, If you are here…You already know who I Am,
And Yeshua is calling to be initiated into the Highest Mysteries of Christ.

I’ll be the channel.

Now, If you pass the application, you will be invited inside The Temple of Wisdom.

⚜️ Inside, You will understand, receive, activate, and embody The Christ Frequency. So you can command real God-magick and access Christ in YOU.

⚜️ Inside, You will learn how to become a clean channel of creation (and sustain it - without effort) to manifest heaven on earth. So that the Father may be glorified in The Son.

⚜️ Inside, You will also learn how to translate The Word of God into Frequency & Vibration so you can manifest any-thing, from No-Thing… without lifting a finger or needing “inspired action”.

⚜️ Inside, You will expand your faith capacity, your spirit, mental and astral bodies; and dissolve yourself… so you can constantly receive The Highest Pro~vision through The Master Frame. Over and over again. 24/7.

Welcome to THE GOD CODES.

There’s 3 of them you will receive through The Initiation…

🧬 1. Hearing The Voice of Christ. - So you can master your gifts & superpowers the way The Godhead meant to.
(Original design)

🧬 2. Mastering The High Masculine & The High Feminine .- So you can leverage The Highest Law of Creation & Co-create Thriving Relationships.

🧬 3. Mastering The 5 Elements. - So you can play with any-thing, any-time and influence the very building blocks of the universe.

If you are ready to heed the call… then you already know The INITIATION is for you.

Destiny waits for no one.
Not even a god.

⚜️ Will you answer the call?

12 Months.
One Sacred Frame.
12 Rites of Passage.
1:1 Voice/chat support.

⚜️ $77K PIF.
(You should feel why this number too)

Plus… 1:1 Call to impart you The Christ Frequency.

Plus… 1:1 Call to help you incarnate The Newest Wealth Codes in your field.

The question is…

Are ready for…

The UNimaginable?

⚜️ I want to expand on WHO it is FOR…
(Since it’s very expensive and mostly not for everyone)

I’m looking for a very specific kind of person.
With a very interesting set of skills and experiences. (Plus 1000+ hours of meditation) 

If you are seeking true fulfillment And want to eescape the matrix. 

Than click on the green link at the top of this page.